
عضو جدید

"Geddes's great achievement in life

has been the making of a bridge between

Biology and Social Science"

(2/10/1854- 1932)

Partrick Geddes was born in Ballater, Royal Deeside, Scotland. His father was a regular soldier in the army and he grew up without the privileges of a wealthly background.
He had akeen interest in Biology, the study of life flora and fauna and by the age of 24 he showed great promise as a biologist and many of his research papers were already published by the Royal Society.

He flourished in a time of enlightenment in Victorian Edinburgh. In 1879 he was employed by The British Association for the Advancement of Science to establish a zoological station for Aberdeen University in , at nearby Stonehaven and he was then sent to Mexico on a research mission.

Whilst there he contracted an illness there which temporarily blinded him, and when he recovered eye strain prevented him from using a microscope and he was unable to continue research which required him to use one.

He then applied his biological knowledge to the needs of mankind and developed theories of the appropriate living conditions. Working and teaching from the Camera Obscura Outlook Tower, he developed and played a large part in much of the renovation of the Royal Mile including the building of Ramsay Garden. Building beautiful new homes which were a huge contrast to the cramped and squalid conditions that existed previously on the Royal Mile. There are many spots on the Royal Mile with a plaque dedicated to Pattrick Geddes including, Ramsay Lane, Castle Wynd Steps South ( Also called Patrick Geddes Steps) and Dunbar Close Gardens.

Furthermore he developed new theories on education and organised Summer Schools to spread his ideas about how the arts and sciences could be applied to town planning and
improved living conditions.
He was instrumental in the design of Edinburgh Zoo and created more natural environments for the animals, separating them from the public by moats rather than the usual cages typical of Victorian minageries. Geddes was a pioneer in what we now call an ecology.
In 1896 Geddes spent the winter in Cyprus helping refugees from the war between Turkey and Armenia to resettle and establish small units for agriculture and industry. Afterwards he organised a series of exhibitions to teach that good planning always leads to the physical and mental wellbeing of inhabitants.

His achievements and teachings brought him worldwide fame and he toured The USA, France and India where he worked extensively. There he met and exchanged ideas on phylosophy with Gandhi and Tagore. In 1919 he was invited to design the new Jerusalem Univerity in Isreal.

He was knighted Sir Patrick Geddes shortly before his death in 1932 in Montpellier France where he had founded an international teaching establishment - The College Des Ecossais - The Colege of The Scot.

وحدت شهر ومحیط طبیعی آن

پتریک گدس ، اجتماعات انسانی را به دیده زیست شناسی دید که به مطالعه تمام پدیده های زندگی توجه دارد. این محقق در سال 1915، برای اولین بار شهرهای بزرگ دنیا را مورد مطالعه قرارداد و درکتاب تحقیقی خود به نام ((تکامل تدریجی شهرها )) ، ازمسائل ، مشکلات وآینده آنها سخن گفت . پاتریک گدس یکی ازپیشروان ناحیه بندیهای علمی وبرنامه ریزیهای ناحیه ای است که عنوان شبکه بزرگ شهری را بکاربرد. درکتاب (( تکامل تدریجی شهرها)) تصویر مشهوری را می توان دید موسوم به(( نمایشگاهی ازشهرها)) که درآن گدس رشد طبیعی شهرها را مورد مطالعه قرارداده وتصویرکرده است . ازاین تصویر، اساس نظریات وی آشکار می گردد. به نظر گدس شهر ازمحیط طبیعی که درآن به وجود آمده جدایی ناپذیر است وتنها وقتی می توان به ساختمان آن پی برد که وضعیت طبیعی وآب وهوایی آن مورد مطالعه قرار گیرد، پایه های اقتصادی آن شناخته می شود وریشه های تاریخی آن معلوم گردد.
به نظر گدس، نقشه شهرها صرفاً خطوط منحنی وراستی نیست که جای فلان رودخانه یا بهمان کوه را معلوم دارد. بلکه نوعی خط هیروگلیف است ودرحقیقت نموداری ازخطی است که بشر با آن تاریخ تمدن را نوشته است . هرقدر درک این خط مشکل تر باشد، وقتی رموز آن کشف شد، ثمره آن بیشتر است.
لوئیس مامفورد متخصص وکارشناس شهرهای متروپلیتن که خودرا شاگرد مکتب گدس میداند وبی تردید دربسط افکار وی سهمی بسزا دارد ، درکتاب خودبسیاری ازافکار گدس را نقل کرده است . ازاین کتاب به خوبی برمی آید که گدس جامعه شناسی را زاده زیست شناسی می داند ورشد شهرها رابر اساس این فکر توضیح می دهد.
گدس که اصلاً اسکاتلندی بود، سالها درهندوستان زندگی کرد وبا واقعیت به شهرسازی اشغال داشت. وی با آنکه به مظاهر زندگی طبیعی علاقه داشت، ازدیده ای جهان بین برخوردار بود وواجد شخصیتی بود که تنها پس ازمرگ وی شناخته شد.
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