فسفر و سیب زمینی

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عضو جدید
To study this relationship more carefully 22 factorial experiments
replicated eight times were conducted on Bodenburg silt loam near the
Palmer Municipal Airport. The presence and absence of soil phosphorus
fertilization was compared with spraying and not spraying with monobasic
sodium phosphate solution twice each week throughout the growing season.
Soil test values for each of the three gears prior to fertilization, obtained
by a modified Morgan's procedure witla sodium acetate extractant buffered
at pH 4.8 are presented in Table 1.
Fertilizers were applied in the bottom of furrows opened with a Vcultivator
and were covered with about one inch of soil upon which twoounce
Arctic Seedling seed pieces were planted in all exoeriments. All
plots received 120 and 150 pounds per acre of N and K20 in 1958 and
150 and 180 pounds respectively in 1959 applied as ammonium nitrate
and sulfate of potash. Soil applications of phosphorus as treblesuperphosphate
supplied 360 pounds per acre of P2Oa. Phosphorus sprays
containing one per cent monobasic sodium phosphate were made twice
a week starting when the plants were two inches high. Each year eighteen
sprays were made which applied about 10 pounds P20.~ per acre. A
small quantity of detergent was used to insure wetting of the foliage.
Since early growth showed large differences between treatments, each
plot was placed visually into one of four classes on the basis of plant
growth. In addition, tubers were washed, sized, and weighed after harvest
of the 20-foot single row plots. Dry matter content was calculated from
specific gravity measurements.
August 6, 1959, a severe hailstorm damaged vines, removing fully​
half of the leaves.